Added after the game -- I decided to go to the game and it was a really great time. We cracked up numerous times as handfuls of stuffed critters were flung onto the ice when the opposing team scored their first two goals. The poor announcer, "Please refrain from throwing bears at this time. The Phantoms may be penalized if this continues. Please refrain at this time." Finally with 25 seconds left in the game the Phantoms nearly scored (the closest they came all night). Out came the bears ... like a blizzard of them. The announcer started again, "Please, ladies and gentlemen ... er ... I have word from the officials, go ahead and throw your bears." Wheeeeee!!!! (Can I mention how hard it is to loft a small fluffy toy from the mid-300 level of the Spectrum all the way to the ice?)
Then for the rest of the weekend they're going to perfect his "Pinewood Herbie." Joe took it to the Post Office this morning for a weigh-in and it's apparently 4+ ounces too heavy. Eek! So, there's some drilling and gouging in Herbie's future.
As for me ... I haven't decided if I'm going to go to the movies by myself tonight and relish my solitude. Or, maybe I'll get bored and lonely and I'd rather take some friends up on their offer of a spare ticket to the Phantoms game tonight. Haven't really decided yet, actually.
Mostly I'd rather be going to the movies with Joe.
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