When we got home we realized she was basically just afraid of everything. Joe and I were really dismayed that we may have wound up with a big mushy wimp for a dog. But, we're learning (it's only been a couple of days, after all!) that she really basically just hadn't been exposed to ANYTHING before coming home with us. She'd only even been outside on the grass maybe once before. So ... absolutely everything was new to her. We had to teach her to go through the doorway to go out, how to go down the step from the patio to the lawn, etc.
And, I have to say the Nor'Easter of the Century (or whatever they're calling it) didn't make things any easier. Sasha didn't really mind a bit. Her fur is so thick and wooly that after we toweled her off, she was basically dry. We, on the other hand, spent all day yesterday cold and wet. And cold. And wet.

She's precious!!! I like slightly timid dogs; they seem to turn out to be a bit more responsive to affection...and so cute!!! I'll dog/cat sit anytime and I'll get the dates right!!! just be REAL specific about departure and return dates! :)
That's true ... right now when we walk together she just naturally falls into a by-my-side or slightly behind me position, which is lovely.
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