Well, it's that time of year. My students are restless, my kids are filthy from playing outside until they collapse into bed, Joe's at commencement tonight, and I'm interviewing (again) for a new job next year (again).
This makes the third summer in a row I've been interviewing for a new teaching position. Looong, painful story I'm not going into now. I've interviewed for positions in other fields before, but never before having academic interviews have I come across the search for this annoyingly ambiguous combination of required technical ability and weird attempts to decide if they like my personality.
I mean, I have the degree, the certificate, teaching experience, recommendations, excellent test scores (mine and my students'). So this all basically comes down to whether or not they like me as a person. Joe tells me not to take it personally ... but I mean, come on! What could be more personal than this? It's like a popularity contest. Either they think I'll fit in with their teaching staff and students, or they don't. Do they want vivacious or subdued? Innovative or conventional? Firm or flexible?
I've had three interviews in a week. If I've impressed anyone, there should be some call-back and/or offer phone calls next week. I've sent out about 15 resumes in the past month.
We'll see.