I think maybe my brother's house is cursed. They've had a recent run of bum luck ... but the problem goes back years. Years!

- Chris has suffered a completely collapsed lung, followed by surgery and a chest tube.
- Kristin has been dealing with the uncomfortable late-stage of pregnancy, complicated by high blood pressure, substantial water retention and multiple trips to various medical facilities ro confirm (or deny) low amniotic fluid levels (she's fine, the levels are good).
- My mom, staying with them to help the two hapless invalids for a week, had to go to the emergency room yesterday for ... get this ... lacerations of her scalp. Inflicted by the housecat, Oreo, in abject terror of mom and dad's (also visiting) dog. 12 staples to pull her head wounds back together!
Just kidding.
Sort of.
edit: Shadow maimed Mom, not Oreo (thanks, Kristin!)
heh. We're beginning to think that too. btw, it was Shadow that got her, not Oreo.
[pointed sarcasm]Dude! Thanks for throwing down the voodoo heebee jeebee gauntlet on us just before our first born comes into the world. Thanks Aunt Heidi![/pointed sarcasm]
Well, by my count your good/bad things come in threes has your baby covered. You've had your three, you're done. :P
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