I can't say I'm enormously "into" football. But free tickets to a professional sporting event are always well-received around here. We had a blast. It was so much fun. There was an interception run in for a touchdown, a nice long field goal, a seriously long punt by one of my favorite new players (what can I say ... I have a major soft spot for kickers and punters (and hockey goalies and baseball catchers).). But all in all, I don't remember much of the game. I think I'm a touch too ADD or emotionally empathic or something. Because when I'm in a big crowded stadium and there's that rumble of voices, the flash of the Fan-O-Vision/JumboTron, the smell of popcorn and just the general energy of tens of thousands of people ... well, I just have trouble keeping more than 10% of my brain on the game. I do much better with my pause-live-tv to ingest it situation at home.
So, don't ever expect deep sideline insights or play-by-play recaps from me. But, we did have an absolute blast (no pun intended regarding lightning-induced evacuation of the stands which added a pretty exciting touch to the evening).
A couple of days later, we took the kids (along with Joe's mom
This week it's back to just chilling out at home (particularly in the wet and clammy weather we've been having, I actually made chili and homemade bread yesterday and it was goooood!). Posh family wedding this weekend to look forward to.
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