
Another Sickie

When Matthew was lethargic and sleepy yesterday, I chalked it up to three nights in a row staying up past 10:30.

Then he "woke up" giggling uncontrollably around 11pm last night. He didn't snap out of it entirely until we kind of shook him and turned on the light. He still didn't seem to know where he was. Ear thermometer registered 103.5*. Called the ped on call and administered chewable Tylenol. That brought it down to around 101* after 40 minutes.

We woke up and rechecked him around 1am. Down to about 100*.

This morning I made the call to stay home with him when it was back up to 103*. And his bones ache.

Poor kid.

. . . . . . .

Afternoon Update: Matthew seems pretty much fine now and had no fever at the doctor's office (naturally!). The site-specific aches and pains he's complaining of and sudden onset of fever with no other flu-like symptoms are upsetting. He's going back on amoxycillin for two weeks and has had blood drawn for a Lyme titer. Remember this? The results will go right to our pediatrician. So we'll see.

Thursday Update: Matthew's back in school today. His fever came back Tuesday night and we kept him home yesterday. Though he was fine all day (low-grade fever 99.5-ish temp). We picked up some acidophilus to help out (antibiotics do a number on his bowels, enough said). So we should be all set for our trip. I don't know how long the labwork will take. So, we'll see.

Final (for now) Update: The labwork all came back negative. So, unless he has further joint pain, no further action is necessary, beyond finishing his run of antibiotics.



Lisa said...

How's your little guy doing? I hope this doesn't affect your trip next week!

Lisa said...

Whew--for now, anyway. Have a great trip and see you next weekend!