
More New House News

Has "Dugan New House News" Fatigue set in yet?

Not for me! Hee-hee!

Over the weekend we posted some items on Craiglist. Over the past week or so, we've been assessing our furniture, to decide what moves with us and what has worn out its welcome. Or just plain worn out.

Our exercise bike has to go. Ditto with our sleeper-sectional and a large entertainment armoire we rarely use (as well as the giant CRT tv inside it). We've also been browsing to replace our dining set. When we bought our first house (1997), the sellers offered to leave it in the house for us for $300. I've always hated the style of the set, but at the time it was a deal and we had nothing else to eat on.

Luckily, I found a great table, chairs, hutch and server set on Craiglist and it was both our style and our price range. The sellers even delivered it for us! So, we listed our old set and it sold right away. It's already gone and out of the house.

Anyway, long story short ... we've managed to mentally at least partially furnish most of the new house. We have nothing for the sunroom, and the spare room is winding up with quite a few weird odds and ends pieces. And the finished basement looks much better in my mind than our furniture will allow in real-life.

Right now we're just waiting for the mortgage paperwork to be finalized. Then I begin my next to-do list: changing our address with utilities, schools, jobs, magazines, Amazon, etc.


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