
My Links, I

Over on the right bar of the blog are a bunch of links, "Where Do I Go?" Most days I run right down that list, opening each link in its own tab. Some visits are very, very brief (Design Town and Woot), some are much longer (Television Without Pity). Some I don't visit every day due to the nature of the site updates (Foxtrot, Pibgorn) and some I visit more than once a day to check for updates (Futility Closet, The Daily Journal).

The first on the list, Comics Curmudgeon is a very funny site. Some guy named Josh reads the extensive set of comics from the Houston Chronicles online comics page. He then selects the best-or-the-worst and makes frequently hilarious, generally snarky comments about them. The serial comics (i.e. Mary Worth and Judge Parker) naturally lend themselves to this sort of treatment.

There are some ongoing gag lines that may seem confusing to a new reader, but there are some FAQ type helps for some of the inside jokes.

Anyway, good site for those who like funny and those who always grab the "Educational Section" of the Sunday newspaper first.


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